Lamia reaches for the white mirror and is engulfed by the frigid surface. The room spins around the group and then the world returns to normal.
The room remains as before and as expected, the mirrors have disappeared.
“We have both doors,” Conrad says. “At least we’re not trapped.”
Lying on the ground at Lamia’s feet is a yellow scroll of parchment.
“I guess this is where I get to read.”
She squats down and picks up the scroll. The parchment is very new; it does not have the aged appearance of other scrolls they have encountered.
She unrolls the scroll and reads the angular script within.
Again you have lost your way. Poor fools, I will torment you for all eternity at this rate.
Beneath the signature is writing in a different hand.
You should read the brown scroll, not burn it.
“So now the wizard is helping us?” Conrad doesn’t sound convinced.
“This second note is different handwriting,” Lamia says. “Maybe another adventurer added to the scroll?”
“Talking about it won’t help us,” Jora says, taking command. “Hold onto that scroll and let’s keep moving.”
What choice should the adventurers make?