
    Lamia reaches for the white mirror which races over the group.  The bitter cold of the transition leaves them shivering in the center of the room. The dark stone and shining flecks, combined with the cold makes it feel as if they have been transported into the depths of space.

    The mirrors have disappeared as has the white door. The stone table also remains and upon it lies the promised scroll.

    The paper appears dry and brown.

    “I don’t know if this scroll can survive being unrolled,” Lamia says.

    “The mirrors may not reveal everything but so far they haven’t outright lied,” Jora says.

    Lamia gently blows dust from the ancient paper and carefully unrolls it. Written upon the scroll is a message in thick black ink.


    Your wit is insufficient you must fight


    “What should we be fighting?” Lamia shows the others the scroll.

    “I don’t know,” Jora says. He takes the scroll from her and examines it closely.

    “The ink is really coarse. Safir, have you seen ink like this?”

    Safir comes to his side and stares closely at the paper.

    “Father sometimes makes ink from charcoal when we run short, it’s gritty like that.”

    Jora hands the scroll back to Lamia who places it into her pouch.

    “So you and Lamia really aren’t together?”

    Jora looks Safir in surprise at the sudden question. Her intent stare is a bit unsettling.

    “Um, no.”

    “Can I ask you then, why haven’t you ever asked me to dance at the village festivals?”

    Jora feels tightness in his chest; he senses that somehow a trap is contained in the simple question.

    “It never occurred to me? We’re friends but I never really thought about it.”

    “Well, maybe that should change.” Safir turns away from him and pointedly studies the remaining doors of the room.

    “What the hell just happened?” Jora looks to Lamia for some sort of clue. She stares at him like he is some sort of strange insect and then joins Safir in studying the doors.

    “Women, right.” Conrad gently elbows Jora.

    “Shut up.”


    What choice should the adventurers make?