The room beyond the door appears as if no one has entered it in a century. Cobwebs festoon every surface turning the brown, wooden walls a dull gray.
“Maybe it’s safe to stay here a while if it’s this unused,” Safir says.
“So far every room has been safe to stay in. It’s the mirrors which are dangerous,” Jora says.
“We can take a break for a while if you need it but I really don’t want to linger any longer than we need to. I want out of here,” Lamia says.
“No, let’s just keep going. I can rest once we’re home.”
“Brave girl,” Jora says and gives her hand a quick squeeze. “We’ll all get a well-needed rest once we’re home.”
In the center of the room is a shallow pit scooped from the stone floor. A foot high wall surrounds the pit and a dozen large logs are stacked, teepee style in the center of the pit with a pile of kindling below.
There are two doors in this room: a red one and a black one.
The usual two mirrors stand next to the fire pit.
In the black mirror, Conrad lights the logs on fire.
In the white mirror, Jora kicks the logs over, clearing the pit.
What choice should the adventurers make?