The door opens to a flood of light. The room is blinding to look at. Brilliant white light streams from some source within, it’s almost like looking into the sun.
Jora pulls a cloth from his pocket, folds it and wraps it around his eyes. The blindfold is sufficient to lessen the light to bearable levels. If he strains he can see where he is walking.
“Make a blindfold or shield your eyes with your hands,” he says.
Once their eyes are protected the group shuffles into the light. Suspended from the high ceiling in the center of the room is a glowing sphere. It shines like a miniature sun and they cannot look at it for more than a few seconds at a time before their eyes ache from the brilliance.
On one side of the room is a green door; on the opposite is a white door.
Beneath the blinding globe are two mirrors.
In the black mirror, an image of Lamia appears; she removes her cloak and drapes it over the glowing sphere.
In the white mirror, an image of Safir raises her staff and strikes the sphere in an attempt to shatter it.
What choice should the adventurers make?