
    “Well, I’m starving,” Conrad says and reaches for the black mirror.

    The mirror rushes over the group plunging them into the bitter cold of the mirror realm until they find themselves standing in the same angular room. The mirrors have disappeared but spread out on the table is the delectable feast the mirror promised.

    “Wait,” Lamia shouts as Conrad rushes forward and shoves a block of cheese into his mouth. “What if it’s poisoned?”

    Conrad chews and swallows and then reaches for a handful of grapes.

    “Do I look like I’m dying?”

    He continues to stuff his face like a starving man. The remaining trio looks at each other and then at their friend who is rapidly emptying plates and decides to throw caution to the wind.

    The food is as magnificent to taste as it is to view. Juices coat their faces as they all eat as they have never eaten before. The journey through the hell of the wizard’s maze has emptied their bellies.

    “This is the most amazing food,” Safir says around a mouthful of mutton.

    “I told you,” Conrad says before screaming and spraying the food from his mouth across the table.

    “Conrad,” Jora shouts, and then also doubles over, screaming in pain.

    Soon all four friends are screaming their agony into the room and clutching their bellies. They collapse to the ground, spastically thrashing in agony until one by one they fall still.