The room they enter is triangular in shape and the walls slope upward to meet in a point far above their heads.
The walls are made of a gritty yellow stone and the floor is entirely covered by sand.
In one wall stands a green door, in the second a white door and in the final wall, a black door offers passage.
In the center of the room, a pair of mirrors offers alternate realities.
In the black mirror a monster crouches. It has the body of a lion and the head of a man. It snarls and swipes massive paws at the companions as they circle it with weapons drawn.
In the white mirror, the same monster lies passively on the sand and appears to be speaking to them.
“Is that a sphinx?” Lamia looks up at Jora as if he would know.
“Beats me. I cared more about the warriors in the stories. I never cared about what type of monster they were killing.”
“It’s definitely a sphinx,” Safir says. “Mother has a picture book that she would read to me and I remember a monster like that in one of the stories.”
“Reading is boring,” Conrad says. “I never understood half the stories I was forced to read by the priests.”
What choice should the adventurers make?