
    When the door opens before him, Jora wonders for a moment if they have made their way outside.

    A narrow sandy beach borders a wide river. The air is moist with water mist and there is a salty tang in the air.

    A quick glance shows that this is still one of the rooms of their prison. The roof is incredibly high and the room is longer and wider than he would have thought possible but it is definitely a room.

    The beach before them is narrow, no more than a dozen feet to the water’s edge. The river itself appears to be a mile wide. An identical narrow beach is barely visible on the opposite shore. On one bank is a black door; on the opposite is a white door.

    The river is formed by water cascading from the ceiling at the right end of the room. The thunderous waterfall creates a misty spray, shrouding that end of the room in fog.

    The river races along and then plunges beneath a stone outcrop on the far left, continuing its journey underground.

    In the center of the river is a skeletal figure in a boat.

    Two mirrors hover above the water of the river facing them.

    As before, the mirror surface ripples revealing a scene.

    In the black mirror, Jora observes himself wading into the river and beckoning the others. They begin to swim for the distant bank.

    In the white mirror, Jora beckons to the skeletal boatman who brings his barge to the shore where they wait.

    Turning away from the mirror, Jora squats to examine the sand closer. It is not the clean beige or white color of sand he has encountered before. The grains are a dull gray with flecks of black and the consistency of the sand appears much coarser than beach sand.

    “This sand is odd.”

    He picks up a handful and rubs it with the fingers of his right hand. The grains feel sharp and harder than regular sand. He brings it to his nose and sniffs. He jerks away from a musty scent like old rotting wood and a hint of a meaty odor. Something about the smell and the color nags at his memory. He convulsively hurls the sand away as the connection becomes clear.

    “Oh my Gods, the sand is ground bones. We’re standing on corpses.”

    He shifts unconsciously from foot to foot, unwilling to remain in contact with the grisly surface. His friends wear looks of horror which must mirror his own.

    “We have to get off this beach now,” Safir says.

    Oh a whim, Conrad reaches down to test the temperature of the water. “Oh my Gods, that’s cold.”

    “Well then, I definitely don’t want to swim it,” Lamia says.

    “What about walking around over that rock outcrop,” Safir says.

    “But what about the boat?” Jora points toward the barge.

    “Are you nuts?” Conrad says. “Haven’t you noticed that the boatman is a living skeleton?”


    What choice should the adventurers make?