Every surface of this room is made of smooth white marble.
“Pretty impressive,” Conrad says. “It must have really paid well to be an evil wizard in the old days. Have you ever seen so much marble?”
“He wasn’t exactly an honest worker,” Jora says. “He probably magicked this into existence or stole it or something.”
On one side of the room stands a massive white door that leads back to the rough-hewn room of crystals.
Opposite this is a black door.
Standing side by side in the center of the room is a pair of mirrors, one with a black frame, one white framed. The frames are ornately carved and probably worth more than Jora would earn in a year.
The surface of each mirror reflects the group as they enter the room. When they draw close, both mirrors ripple like ponds disturbed by a strong breeze.
The group’s reflections are dismissed by the ripples and a new scene is displayed in each.
An enormous scaled beast appears in each mirror.
“It’s a dragon,” Safir says in awe.
The monster surveys its lair. The scales coating its neck ripple as it moves. The beast is the color of heated metal, a deep red. Its eyes are a baleful yellow and seem to glow as if a fire roars behind the glassy surface.
In the black mirror, Jora sees himself approach the dragon with his hands spread wide and his weapon nowhere in sight.
“Jora don’t,” Safir squeals.
“Hush, it’s just an illusion,” Jora says and places a reassuring hand on the girl’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry, it was so real, it sort of sucks you in.”
“It’s alright, we’re all afraid. We’ve never seen real magic before.”
In the white mirror, the four friends charge the dragon from all sides. They begin to attack it with staves and swords.
“Well that seems suicidal,” Lamia says.
Before more can be learned from the tableaus, the mirrors ripple once more, and the vision disappears, showing them reflected normally.
“So, we have three choices,” Jora says.
“It appears that we can either offer me to the dragon peacefully, or fight it, or just move onward through a door.”
“I’ve always wanted to fight a dragon,” Conrad says.
“I vote for the door. Dragons are dangerous,” Safir suggests.
“Dragons are supposed to be wise, why don’t we talk with it?” Lamia asks.
What choice should the adventurers make?